This morning a client received a lovely letter from the Revenue commissioners requesting some updated VAT numbers for a VIES statement. Along with this letter was an A4 page encouraging them to submit VIES statements online which of course is a fantastic idea. I was impressed with the Revenue for promoting their online service.
This new found respect for the Revenue lasted about 20 seconds, When I updated the VAT numbers and went to re-submit them I see the following on the bottom of the cover letter “Please reply by post or fax using this letter or with a copy of this letter attached”
Unbelievable they invested millions in ROS ,They invested more printing letters promoting the service and then when I actually want to use it I cant!!
As a side note if you are raising export invoices with no VAT keep your VIES statements up to date and check your clients VAT numbers on this website to ensure you dont get caught for the VAT yourself.